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June 9, 2021ALA Advocacy Alert: Take Action: FY22 Budget: Urge your Legislators to #FundLibraries!Late last week, President Biden submitted his budget proposal before Congress, which includes federal funding for libraries. Senator Tammy Baldwin serves on the appropriations committee in charge of finalizing the budget, and we need your help. The current proposed FY 2022 budget supports $197 million for the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) administered through the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), and $28 million for the Innovative Approaches to Literacy (IAL) grant administered through the Department of Education. The proposed funding for both the LSTA and IAL are level with the FY 2021 final budget. Over the last few months, we have advocated for funding of at least $206 million for LSTA and $50 million for IAL in FY 2022, as outlined in the Dear Appropriator letters in both the House and Senate. Thanks to your advocacy, over 100 Representatives signed onto each letter in the House, and we surpassed the number of signers from last year for the LSTA letter in the Senate. This illustrates that many in Congress agree that libraries are crucial to our communities, and an increase in overall funding next year is essential. Will you contact Tammy Baldwin and ask her to support increased funding for libraries in the final FY22 budget? Click here to Take Action Now through the ALA website, and if you want to call any one of her offices, you can find that information here. Thank you so much for your continued advocacy, and let's work together to #FundLibraries in FY 2022! |