March 2024 Sarah Bakken

We are proud to highlight our members who commit their time and resources to helping Wisconsin libraries and librarians thrive through their work with the Wisconsin Library Association. Each month, we will be sharing their stories and hope you will be inspired to learn more about our programs or get involved!

Fill out the Lead with WLA form and be connected with other change agents, leaders, and committees that can use what you have to offer.

Sarah Bakken | March 2024

Photo of Sarah BakkenFor which library, institution, or organization are you currently employed? If you are retired, what was your former organization?
UW-Green Bay Libraries

How many year(s) have you been a member of Wisconsin Library Association?
4 years

What has been your favorite or most impactful function or event of WLA?
I have enjoyed the library showcase series put on by WAAL. I love being able to see how other academic libraries are being creative with their physical spaces and technology. I especially have enjoyed learning about all the great programming and collaborations academic libraries are doing with community and campus partners.

 How has being a member of WLA impacted you or your career?
WLA has provided me with great opportunities to meet and build relationships with other librarians around the state. I really value being able to ask questions and get feedback from different perspectives. Being able to talk to others about how they approach library services differently has been really impacted how I approach my work.

Do you have a library role model (in Wisconsin or elsewhere) that has provided you with inspiration or guidance? Please share a little bit about it. 
My library role model has been my supervisor, Renee Ettinger. She has been such a wonderful and supportive mentor to me as an early career librarian. Not only is she a rockstar in all things information literacy and instruction, but she is a wonderful leader and advocate for her team within our library and on campus. I’m so grateful to know her and have her as a supervisor.

Do you have any advice for new WLA members?
Take opportunities now in your career to make connections and to learn from others!